13. Fortunate Son
12. Current Events: Settlements and Amona
11. Sodom and Gomorrah
10. The Couple From Ur
9. Friends In (Actually High) Places
8. Nudity! Snakes! Murder!
7. The Beginning of All Things
6. Whole Lotta Books
5. The Guy Who Found the Torah
4. Current Events: UNESCO
A couple of Birthright participants have asked me what is going with these headlines about a United Nations vote regarding the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. So let me briefly try to explain three things in this episode. What is UNESCO, and what is this controversy about? Second, what does this resolution say and why are people so upset? And third, why is this controversy even happening.
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3. Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews
One of the most common questions I get is “why are we called Jews?” What does the word “Jew” or “Judaism” even mean? We’re going to talk today about four names that we use: Hebrews, Israelites, Jews, and Am Yisrael.
2. The Jewish Calendar
The Jewish holidays move around a lot on our civil calendar. Hanukah bounces all over late November and early December. Passover is in the spring, but could be anytime in April. Sometimes Yom Kippur is in mid-October, sometimes mid-September. Dates are listed both in the English calendar and the Hebrew. Also, it’s the year 5,777. What is going on?!
Relax, it’s not some obscure Jewish ritual that only those “super Jews” know about. The Jewish calendar is based on the lunar cycle rather than the solar cycle,.