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Popular Programs
These programs can be a one-time presentation, a short series, or a longer course.
Get explanations about what is happening and why, with insightful analysis about how history informs our current moment.
The Oct 7 war in Israel
Global and local antisemitism
American and Israeli politics
Middle Eastern geopolitics and the US-Israel relationship
Why is there no Palestinian state?
… and more!
Learn what you need to know about Zionism’s history and current challenges. Get your questions answered and be surprised by what you’ll discover!
Why Zionism arose in Europe
Different streams of Zionist thought
Jews & Arabs during the early years of settlement
How Zionism became an international issue
… and more!
Unsolved Jewish Mysteries
This swashbuckling adventure combines Indiana Jones with the latest scholarship, exploring what Jewish historical mysteries say about contemporary issues in Jewish and Israeli life.
The Lost Tomb of King David
The Search for the Ark of the Covenant
The Murder of Zionist Politician Chaim Arlosoroff
Was Christopher Columbus Jewish?
… and more!
Other presentations include The First Thousand Years (Or So) of Jewish History, Ancient Archaeology and the Biblical Account, a wide variety of topics in Modern Israeli History, and anything covered in a Jew Oughta Know podcast episode.
past speaking engagements include:
American Jewish Committee • Birmingham Jewish Federation • Birthright Israel • Congregation Kol Hadash, Albany • Congregation Kol Shofar, Tiburon • Congregation Sha’ar Zahav, SF • Congregation Sinai, Reno • Congregation Sinai, San Jose • HaMaqom | The Place • Jewbilee at Addison-Penzak JCC • Jewish Family & Children’s Services • Lehrhaus Judaica • Limmud Bay Area • Limmud FSU • Osher Marin JCC • Oshman Family JCC • SF Chabad • Shavuot Tikkun at East Bay JCC • Temple Sinai, Oakland • Twitter • UC Davis • Whittier College
The purpose of learning Jewish history is to make us better humans.
Jason is passionate about sharing Jewish knowledge. An avid storyteller, Jason approaches Jewish learning with the value of elu v’elu — “both these and those”. Why did certain decisions get made? How did things turn out the way they did? Most times there are multiple reasons and many viewpoints, and it’s in the nuances that we find the best stories.
There’s a misconception that Jewish history is one sad tale of oppression after another. But that’s not true! There are great triumphs, wise philosophers, warrior women, missing relics, lost treasures, and fascinating texts and ideas throughout. To learn about Jewish history is to dive into world history.
From the deserts of Israel to the streets of Berlin and the hills of Northern California, Jason likes to provoke people into engaging with texts, considering big ideas, and bringing their own experiences to bear on Jewish learning.
Learn with Jason
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